Friday, 16 November 2012

Transformation in Pop art /design (5th post)

Pop design in the late 50's in the US.
The aim of pop art refers not as much to the art itself as to the attitudes that led to it.
"Pop art employs aspects of mass culture, such as advertisingcomic books and mundane cultural objects. It is widely interpreted as a reaction to the then-dominant ideas of abstract expressionism, as well as an expansion upon them. And due to its utilisation of found objects and images it is similar to Dada."
Transformation in Pop design , from the rigidity of the Bauhaus.
Function & good design.
In this art movement there is the use of artificial materials (man-made) such as; polypropylene, which gave designer the possibility to experiment with innovative designs and colours.
Pop art - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2012. Pop art - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 November 2012]. 

Introduction to Pop Art - YouTube. 2012. Introduction to Pop Art - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 November 2012].

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