Sunday, 11 November 2012

Transformation in Media, (4th post)

In film trasfrormation is constant. The story/ plot changes. Characters change, good or bad...
In my opinion transformation in a film keeps the story interesting.
Eg; Battleship ( 2012 ) Produced by ; Peter Berg
      Film & Animation
      Link ; Battleship Final Trailer 2012 [HD] - Official Movie Trailer - YouTube. 2012.Battleship Final Trailer 2012 [HD] - Official Movie Trailer - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 November 2012].

Transformation can be seen in the begging of the film when the main character who starts off as one who doesn't have a life and lives with his brother , changes into a successful Navy soldier, "One of the best". He  transformed himself from being a pathetic person to a hero in the end of the film. His transformation also made him win over the girl of his dreams.Transformation can also be seen in the animated aliens, and their space craft. Their space craft transformed itself when it fell from the sky and rose from the sea. Transformation of their weapons...At the end of the film, they managed to transform a retired battleship , back to it's glory and with it win the fight with the aliens. 

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