Friday, 2 November 2012

2nd Blog Transformation

1st  >>2nd
This are two beautifull Oil Paintings by Caravaggio. (1571-1610)
Completed for the Contarelli Chapel in the church of San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome.
It was destroyed in 1945 and is now known only from black-and-white photographs and enhanced color reproductions.Basically when Caravaggio did the painting he portrayed the image in a different manner, unlike other artists at the time whom following typical iconographic images of the Saint. When it was finished the first piece the commissioner did not approve because of the way there patron was portrayed in the image, like a typical human who is almost portrayed illiterate with the way he is holding the pen and the book, and how the angel is helping him (bare foot) and Caravaggio had to do another painting because of it's criticism. He managed to transforming it into a more praised work of art by the commissioner and at the eyes of the people. Saint Matthew and the Angel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2012. Saint Matthew and the Angel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 November 2012].

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